Items where Subject is "B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc"
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- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (60)
., Sofiandi and ., Siti Marpuah and Hasyim, Inayatullah (2020) Donald Trump, Jerusalem and the forecast of Ibn Barrajan. In: Penyelidikan Islam : integrasi ilmu Naqli & Aqli. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 61-69. ISBN 978-967-2916-18-5
Abd Kadir, Muhammad Hijrah and Raja Mohd Rasi, Raja Zuraidah and Omar, Siti Sarah and Ahmad, Md Fauzi and Mohd Nawi, Nazri and Abdul Manap, Zariq Imran and Saguna, Baharundin (2018) Researcher’s perspectives on halal supply chain management: definition and methodology. Advanced Science Letters, 24 (5). pp. 3292-3295. ISSN 1936-6612
Abdul Aziz Ahmad, Muhammad Faisal (2017) Penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama Tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Abdul Khalim, Mustapahayuddin and Omar, Ismail and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra (2020) Pengurusan dan pentadbiran wakaf di Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor. In: Penyelidikan Islam : integrasi ilmu Naqli & Aqli. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-967-2916-18-5
Abdul Razak, Azizul Azra (2019) Mekanisme pemerkasaan peranan da’i dalam dakwah bil hal: analisis tematik surah al-Taubah. Masters thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Abdul Razak, Azizul Azra and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam (2018) Falsafah dakwah bil hal menurut perspektif al-Quran. JURNAL SULTAN ALAUDDIN SULAIMAN SHAH, 9. pp. 1-17. ISSN 2289-8042
Abdul Razak, Azizul Azra and Abdul Rahim, Mohd. Hisyam (2019) The mechanism of empowering the Da’i role in Da’wah bil hal using surah Al-Taubah. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 3 (4). pp. 155-162. ISSN 2378-703X
Abdullah@Teo Wee Siang, Aariz Daniel Teo and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Mat Nayan, Nadirul Hasraf (2020) Menghidupkan makanan sunnah: kurma dan susu kambing cadangan sajian sarapan pagi. In: Penyelidikan Islam : integrasi ilmu Naqli & Aqli. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 70-75. ISBN 978-967-2916-18-5
Ahmad, Norhafizah and Wan Zahari, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah and Kirin, Arwansyah (2021) The implementation of hadith studies for visually impaired people in Malaysia: issues and challenges. Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development, 2 (3). pp. 101-110.
aL-Khalidi, Salah 'Abd Fattah (2017) Oh, begitu rupanya kisah Nabi Adam Alaihissalam: cerita sahih dari langit. Al Khalidi Global Resources, Ampang, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-15045-0-5
Damin, Zahrul Akmal and Abdullah, Kamarulnizam and Fauzee, Mohd Sofian Omar (2021) Ethnic and religious tolerance: barrier factors and improvement measures based on Malay youth perspectives in Malaysia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12 (2). pp. 622-635.
Diniaty, Amirah and Isa, Khairunesa and Harmaini, Harmaini and Rajab, Khairunnas and Koto, Alaiddin (2020) The strengthening of Islamic values on students through the metaphor of accepting death: an Indonesian perception. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (10). pp. 1969-1983. ISSN 1475-7192
Dr. Arwansyah Kirin, Dr. Arwansyah Kirin and Wan Ainaa Mardhiah, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah and Dr. Siti Marpuah, Dr. Siti Marpuah and Dr. Faisal Bin Husen Ismail, Dr. Faisal Bin Husen Ismail and Dr. Muhammad Masruri, Dr. Muhammad Masruri and Dr. Riki Rahman, Dr. Riki Rahman (2023) The Book of Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad and Tanqih Al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi Al-Banteni: A Comparative Study on The Method of Syarh Hadith. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13 (1). pp. 109-121. ISSN 2222-6990
Dr. Arwansyah Kirin, Dr. Arwansyah Kirin and Wan Ainaa Mardhiah, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah and Dr. Siti Marpuah, Dr. Siti Marpuah and Dr. Faisal Bin Husen Ismail, Dr. Faisal Bin Husen Ismail and Dr. Muhammad Masruri,, Dr. Muhammad Masruri, and Dr. Riki Rahman, Dr. Riki Rahman (2023) The Book of Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad and Tanqih Al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi Al-Banteni: A Comparative Study on The Method of Syarh Hadith. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13 (1). pp. 109-121. ISSN 2222-6990
H. Abdullah, Erizal (2018) Kualiti dan keberkesanan bimbingan manasik bagi jemaah haji Daerah Bintan Kepulauan Riau Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Halim, Harliana and Yusoff, Kamaruzaman and Ahmad, Shakila and Abdul Khir, Mohd Faizal and Abdullah, Abdul Hafiz and Aziz, Hani Suraya and Saad, Shamsaadal Sholeh and Sulaiman, Abdullah (2018) Ibn Fadlan’s Role in the Islamisation of Bulghar society. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.25). pp. 505-507. ISSN 2227-524X
Halim, Harliana and Yusoff, Kamaruzaman and Ahmad, Shakila and Abdul Khir, Mohd Faizal and Abdullah, Abdul Hafiz and Hamzah, Shahidah and Aziz, Hani Suraya and Saad, Shamsaadal Sholeh and Ebrahimi, Mansoureh (2018) Analysis on social change among Bulghar society based on Risalah Ibn Fadlan 922 AD. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.25). pp. 501-504. ISSN 2227-524X
Hamzah, Nurhafiza (2021) Model konsep pembelajaran e-talaqqi bagi pengajian ilmu-ilmu Islam. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Malaysia.
Husen Ismail, Faisal and Kirin, Arwansyah and Mohammad, Che adenan and Borham, Abd Shakor and Masruri, Muhammad (2021) Kajian meta-analisis inovasi pengajaran usul fiqh di Indonesia. Hudan Lin-Naas, 2 (1). pp. 21-44. ISSN 2580-3409
Hussin, Hayati and Ahmad, Abdul Rahim and Saleh, Muhammad Hafiz and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Zakaria, Rohana (2018) Contributions of Muhammad Mahfuz Al-Tarmasiy in the field of Islamic studies. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.25). pp. 512-515. ISSN 2227-524X
Ismail, Faisal Husen and Kirin, Arwansyah and Borham, Abd Shakor and Misbah, Muhammad and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam and Masruri, Muhammad (2021) Konsep terapi Nabi SAW sebagai alternatif dalam menangani penyakit fizikal dan spiritual. Al-Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (1).
Ismail, Mohd Sabri (2009) Metodologi dakwah kepada saudara baru di PERKIM Kelantan: kajian mengenai keberkesanan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ismail, Mohd Sabri (1999) Perkembangan islam di kalangan Orang Asli dari tahun 1987- 1997: satu tinjauan dan sudut penerimaan masyarakat asli di Post Brook Gua Musang, Kelantan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Jaes, Lutfan and Damin, Zahrul Akmal and Ani, Dr. Fauziah (2016) Nilai “orientasi kuasa” sebagai alat pembangunan Soeharto di Indonesia. Journal of Techno Social, 12. pp. 26-43. ISSN 2229-8940
Junoh, Husin (2011) Faktor keruntuhan akhlak remaja Islam luar bandar di Daerah Kota Tinggi, Johor. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kasim, Siti Maliati (2022) Pelaksanaan ibadat solat dalam kalangan pesakit ortopedik di Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail, Batu Pahat, Johor. Masters thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Kirin, Arwansyah and Ismail, Faisal Husen and Borham, Abd Shakor (2020) The works of Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād by Nawawi al-Bantani and Sirāj al-Ṭālibīn by Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan al-Jampasi al-Kediri: a comparative research on the methods of writing the hadith. Jurnal Usuluddin, 48 (1). pp. 33-56. ISSN 1394-3723
Kirin, Arwansyah and Siti Marpuah, Siti Marpuah and Muhammad Masruri, Muhammad Masruri (2021) Hadis Da’if Dan Mawdu’ dalam Kitab Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad oleh Nawawi Banten : analisa terhadap konten hadis. [Bulletin]
Kirin, Arwansyah and Wan Zahari, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah and Husen Ismail, Faisal and Marpuah, Siti and Ahmade, Norhafizah and Borham, Abdul Shakor (2021) Analysis of Da’if & Mawdu’ Hadith in the Book of Ta’lim Al-Muta’allim by Shaykh Al-Zarnuji. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12 (2). pp. 614-621.
Kirin, Dr. Arwansyah and Wan Ainaa Mardhiah, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah and Dr. Siti Marpuah, Dr. Siti Marpuah and Husen Ismail,, Dr. Faisal and Dr. Muhammad Masruri, Dr. Muhammad Masruri and Dr. Riki Rahman, Dr. Riki Rahman (2022) The Book of Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad and Tanqih Al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi Al-Banteni: A Comparative Study on The Method of Syarh Hadith. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 132 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2222-6990
Kirin, Dr.Arwansyah and Mardhiah, Wan Ainaa and Siti Marpuah, Dr.Siti Marpuah and Husen Ismail, Dr.Faisal and Masruri, Dr.Muhammad and Rahman, Dr.Riki The Book of Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad and Tanqih Al-Qaul by Shaykh :Nawawi Al-Banteni: A Comparative Study on The Method :Syarh Hadit. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13 (1). pp. 109-121. ISSN 2222-6990
M. A, Adi Syahid and Bujang, Nazarudin and Mustafa, Siti Aisyah and Amir Zal, W. A. (2019) Quality of life satisfaction among converted Kelantan Chinese Muslims. Asian Ethnicity, 21 (2). pp. 292-304. ISSN 1463-1369
Masruri, Muhammad and Borham, Abd Shakor and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam and Sulkhan Chakim, Sulkhan Chakim and Muhammad Faiz, Muhammad Faiz (2022) The approach of revelation of the Quran and al Sunnah to dealing with soul and mental disorders after the COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12 (8). pp. 605-617. ISSN 2222-6990
Meerangani, Khairul Azhar and Abdul Hamid, Mohammad Fahmi and Hashim, Siti Nurul Izza and Sharif, Dziauddin and Jofri, Muhamad Hanif and Mansor, Muhamad Sayuti (2023) Digital Platform Potential for Asnaf Zakat Entrepreneurs: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13 (1). pp. 1184-1199. ISSN 2222-6990
Mohd Ali, Adi Syahid (2020) Modal sosial rapatan Cina peranakan muslim Kelantan. In: Ketahanan Nasional - Perspektif Malaysia - Thailand. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 87-102. ISBN 978-967-2389-98-9
Mohd Zailani, Sara Afiqah and Omar, Nurul Aswa and Mustapha, Aida and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam (2018) Fasting ontology in pillars of Islam. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12 (2). pp. 562-569. ISSN 2502-4752
Mustapha, Ahmad Sharifuddin and Ali, Abdul Karim and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra (2020) Analisis kitab tentang sifat dua puluh dalam Hidayah Al-Muta’allim Wa ‘Umdah Al-Mu’allim karangan Syeikh Daud Al-Fatani. In: Penyelidikan Islam : integrasi ilmu Naqli & Aqli. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 90-99. ISBN 978-967-2916-18-5
Mustapha, Ahmad Sharifuddin and Ali, Abdul Karim and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra (2018) Sheikh Daudal-Fatani as scholar in Malay Archipelago: overview on his writings. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.29). pp. 332-337. ISSN 2227-524X
Nordin, Shah Rul Anuar (2020) Kepemimpinan wanita dalam kesultanan Aceh Dar Al-Salam pada abad ke 17M. In: Ketahanan Nasional - Perspektif Malaysia - Thailand. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 75-86. ISBN 978-967-2389-98-9
Nordin, Shahrul Anuar and Mohamad Suhaimy, Khairul Azman and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam and Borham, Abdul Shakor (2020) The concept of leadership and constitution of a country from the Islamic and Malay archipelago perspectives according to Taj Al Salatin manuscript. In: Ketahanan Nasional - Perspektif Malaysia - Thailand. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 113-126. ISBN 978-967-2389-98-9
Omar, Abd Razak and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Mohd Khalid, Halimi and Sulaiman, Abdullah (2018) Institut ahli sunnah wal jamaah UTHM Peranan dan tanggungjawab. Jurnal Penyelidikan Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Johor. pp. 71-84. ISSN 2600-9013
Omar, Abdul Jalil and Wan Yusoff, Wan Zahari and Mohamad, Marlina and Wan Zahari, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah (2018) Current issue in corporate waqf in Malaysia. Advanced Science Letter, 24 (5). pp. 3045-3051. ISSN 1936-7317
Omar, Ismail and Mohsen, Masfaliza (2020) Kreativiti dan inovasi urus harta wakaf. In: nil. nil.
Omar, Ismail and Mohsen, Masfaliza (2020) Sukuk dan wakaf bagi majukan Kampong Bharu. In: nil. nil.
Othman, Bestoon and Harun, Amran and Sadq, Zana Majed and Rashid, Wirya Najm and Abdullah, Kamal Mohammed and Mohammed, Hazhar Omer and Khalid faeq, Dalia (2020) Effects of service marketing mix on Umrah customer satisfaction: empirical study on Umrah traveling industry in Malaysia. Test Engineering and Management, 83. pp. 22895-22909. ISSN 0193-4120
PTTA, Wakaf dan Endowmen (2021) Buletin Pusat Wakaf & Endowmen Edisi 6/Mei 2021. [Bulletin] (In Press)
Pengiran Haji Tuah, Dayangku Zainab and Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra (2020) Penelitian tazkiyah Al-Nafs oleh Syeikh Sa’id Hawwa (1935-1989). In: Penyelidikan Islam : integrasi ilmu Naqli & Aqli. Penerbit UTHM, pp. 49-54. ISBN 978-967-2916-18-5
Rahman, Mohamad Izzuddin and Samsudin, Noor Azah and Mustapha, Aida and Abdullahi Oyekunle, Adeleke (2018) Comparative analysis for topic classification in juz Al-Baqarah. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12 (1). pp. 406-411. ISSN 2502-4752
Rumi Chafidzoh, Rumi Chafidzoh and Salamah Noorhidayati, Salamah Noorhidayati and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam (2024) Impressions of the first most complete authorand tafsir in the Nusantara ( Analysis Study of the Book of Tarjuman Al-Mustafid ). In: International Conference on Islam, Law, and Society (INCOILS) Conference Proceedings 2023.
Saparudin, Intan Farhana (2015) Pendekatan psikologi dakwah menangani histeria remaja muslim di Selangor. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Saparudin, Intan Farhana (2016) Sorotan histeria massa remaja Muslim di Malaysia. International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, 5. pp. 131-140. ISSN 2232-1535
Shafin, Nazree and Kasim, Rozilah (2018) Incorporating Islamic ethic elements into marketing mix paradigm. Financial Risk and Management Reviews, 4 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 2412-3404
Suhaimy, Khairul Azman and Nordin, Shah Rul Anuar and Othman, Hussain and Jaes, Lutfan and Kamri, Khairol Anuar and Damin, Zahrul Akmal and Halim, Harliana and Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hisyam and Borham, Abdul Shakor and Mubarak, Mohd Zain and Ismail, Marwan and Othman, Mohd Fuad and Aziz, Hani Suraya and Ramlan, Najah (2018) The concept of leadership and constitution from the Islamic and Malay archipelago perspectives according to Taj Al Salatin manuscript. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.25). pp. 563-567. ISSN 2227-524X
Sulaiman, Mansor and Yusoff, Zailin Shah and Zainuddin, Ahmad Murad and Hisham, Ahmad Irfan Ikmal and Long, Abdullah (2017) Pemeliharaan maslahah di sebalik pensyariatan konsep berpakaian wanita menurut Islam. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 2 (1). pp. 62-72. ISSN 2289-7216
Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Abd Khalim, Mustapahayuddin and Wan Zahari, Wan Ainaa Mardhiah and Abdullah, Azlan Kuangit (2021) Peranan Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) akibat Pandemik COVID-19. In: INSLA E-Proceedings, 27-28 Oktober 2021, USIM.
Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Abdul Majid, Latifah (2017) Sejarah perkembangan tafsir pada zaman Rasulullah SAW, sahabat dan tabiin. Journal of Techno Social, 6 (43). pp. 44-54. ISSN 2229-8940
Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Abdul Majid, Latifah and Abd Kadir, Muhd Najib (2015) Implications of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s interpretations on women issues in the Al-Qur’an. Islamiyyat The International Journal Of Islamic Studies, 37 (2). pp. 153-161. ISSN 0126-5636
Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Abdul Majid, Latifah and Abd Kadir, Muhd Najib (2016) Kritik al-Quran oleh Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd melalui terapan hermeneutics humanistic. Journal of Techno Social, 12 (29). pp. 39-53. ISSN 2229-8940
Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra and Abdul Majid, Latifah and Md Saad, Mohd Faizulamri (2018) An overview on hermeneutics method application to the Quran by Muslim thinkers. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.25). pp. 681-684. ISSN 2227-524X